Our Students Won Awards in the International Youth Artificial Intelligence Competition

2023-03-28 10:14:19来源:[!--source--]作者:严培容 翻译:田一铃摄影:[!--photography--]访问量:690

  Recently, the Chinese Society for Artificial Intelligence announced the results of the 4th International Youth Artificial Intelligence Competition 2022,our students from the School of Intelligent Engineering won one first prize, two second prizes and one third prize.

  The team composed of students Huang Deqiu, Fan Zuosheng and Meng Zhibin won the first prize.Their instructors were Mr.Yu Jinyong, Ms.Li Yuqin and Mr.Su Guanling. The team composed of students Li Zuyuan, Wang Tianpei and Zeng Guiquan won the second prize. Their intructors were Mr.Sun Zhenbao, Ms. Xu Shujuan, and Mr.Jiang Feng. The team composed of students Hu Jiaming, Lin Yuquan and Chen Bo won the second prize.Their intructors were Mr.Gan Xinquan, Mr.Zhang Wenqiang and Mr.Zhong Xiang. The team composed of students Ning Junxiang, Chen Zhaoqiong and Wang Shunde won the third prize, and their instructors were Ms.Li Yuqin, Ms.Liao Ai and Mr. Lan JiaBin.

  The International Youth Artificial Intelligence Competition is one of the highest level of competition and the largest number of participating universities in the international level youth high-level Artificial Intelligence Competition. The competition is divided into Artificial Intelligence Application,Technology Innovation Competition, Artificial Intelligence Culture and Art Innovation Competition, and Intelligent Robotics Engineering Application Competition. It attracted a total of 108 domestic colleges and universities, with a total of 170 teams and 958 players participating.In addition, there were 8 countries and 17 universities participating in the ASEAN and EU regions abroad, with a total of 30 teams and 122 participants.

  After careful preparation of students and careful guidance by their teachers, after a fierce competition, our students won four awards in the Desktop Robotics Challenge Competition.

  In the future, our university will continue to practice the educational mission of strengthening our country through science and technology,further enrich the connotation of information technology education,strengthen talent development education, encourage and cultivate students' innovative thinkings and abilities, comprehensively promote the cultivation of digital talents and improve the quality of education of artificial intelligence talents education.

the first prize

the second prize

the second prize

the third prize