Apply What You Learn and Serve Teachers and Students丨The Computer Science and Technology Association

2023-03-21 17:35:40来源:[!--source--]作者:李长文 翻译:邱琰摄影:[!--photography--]访问量:650

  The early spring sun shone on the faces of the members of the Computer Science and Technology Association. They came early to the semicircle square of the commercial street. Moving equipment and setting up tents nervously and orderly, waiting for the arrival of students. In order to create excellent community culture on campus and carry forward Lei Feng's spirit of helping others, the Computer Science and Technology Association of our university(hereinafter referred to as‘the Project Association’) held a voluntary computer maintenance activity in the semicircle square of Chongzuo campus on February 25th.

  The scopes of this voluntary maintenance include nine modules, computer assembly, computer maintenance, network construction, computer accessories, computer dust removal, network debugging, hardware maintenance, drive installation and system assembly. The students carried their laptops , keyboards, host and other equipment that needed to be repaired came to the event site and told the volunteers about the problems they encountered.Then, the volunteers registered the number on the site and organized students to scan the code and fill in their personal information. After the maintenance is completed, the technicians would call them to get it.

  The spring breeze caressed the clothes and the sun fell on the desk. Some of the staff skillfully used the disassembly tools, some carefully opened the back cover of the computer, and some waved their fingers to tap the code tudents download software and clean up the C disk etc. The members of the five departments of the Project Association performed their respective duties, with a clear division of labor, and solved the problems one by one.

  Wang Tianpei, acting president of the 2021 level of the Project Association, he said that the Project Association will carry out a voluntary computer maintenance activities in the second half of every month. The first purpose of this activity is to provide teachers and students with a platform for free computer maintenance without wasting money. Second, let the new members of the association to understand the role of the association, and get in touch with the relevant computer maintenance works as soon as possible, and cultivate their technical abilities.

  This activity not only brought convenience to the whole school, but also provided the training opportunities for the new members of the association, clarified the important role of the association in campus life, strengthened he sense of service and social responsibility, and improved the ability to combine theory with practice.


  Voluntary maintenance activity site.


  The student is asking about computer repair.


  The staff is working.